Қазақ сөйлеміндегі сөздердің орын тәртібі тарихынан

K.Zhubanov. Қазақ сөйлеміндегі сөздердің орын тәртібі тарихынан: Collection of translations/ Compiled by K.K.Sadirova. P.S.Sydyk. Aktobe: Zhubanov University Publishing House, 2019. – 150 p.

One of the most important scientific works of Professor K. Zhubanov is “from the history of the word order in the Kazakh sentence”. In this article, the scientist demonstrated the importance of the ability to use every word in its place to maintain the accuracy of thought. Thus, the language was not assigned to one area of the language level, but was considered on a large scale.

The purpose of translating this work into several languages is to promote the scientist’s research at the international level. The translation of this article by Professor K. Zhubanov into several languages increases the scientific turnover of work. The collection of translations will be dedicated to journalists studying.