Question to the bibliographer

Dear readers!

The library staff is ready to help you if:

  • you are writing an article or a scientific paper and do not know where to start the search, in which databases to conduct it, which books are better to use;
  • you do not know which department to contact for advice on the issue of interest;
  • you cannot find the book in the Electronic Catalog, although you know that this book should be in the Library;
  • assignment of UDC and BBK indexes to scientific publications of teachers and students, and, if necessary, ISBN (for feedback, you must specify the name, email address or watcap number;
  • You can contact us with these and other questions. We provide services for free and ask you only to formulate your request correctly and politely.

We can’t:

  • write an essay, diploma or dissertation for you;
  • solve problems in physics, chemistry and other subjects for you;
  • provide legal advice;
  • to help solve a crossword puzzle and find answers to questions from quizzes or contests to provide information of a commercial nature;
  • please remember that although requests are accepted around the clock and without restrictions, it takes time for the bibliographer to find the necessary information, so you may receive an answer within 2-3 business days.

You can send a “Question to the bibliographer” using the “Jivosite” button, which performs virtual reader queries.

Dear reader!
To get acquainted with the library’s collection, you can go to our Electronic Catalog and enter any keyword, and to read books online, just go to our Electronic Library.
The rich collection of our library is open to you!

If you have any questions or suggestions related to library services, you can send an email to .

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