Медиамәтін және саяси метафора

K.B. Sarbasova, S.A. Saduakasova. Медиамәтін және саяси метафора: A textbook / K.B.Sarbasova, S.A. Saduakasova.Karaganda: Publishing house “AKNUR”, 2018. -192 p.

The purpose of the textbook is to focus undergraduates on the ability to put into practice the knowledge gained in the course “Media text and political metaphor”, self-improvement, scientific understanding. Therefore, the manual presents a set of lectures on the course “Media text and political metaphor”, practice exercises, control questions, tasks for independent work of undergraduates, methodological guidelines aimed at its implementation.

The textbook is intended for undergraduates and teachers of the Kazakh language, literature and journalism.