Управление человеческими ресурсами предприятия в условиях Евразийского Экономическою Союза

Uteubaev T.B. Управление человеческими ресурсами предприятия в условиях Евразийского Экономическою Союза: monograph. – Almaty; CyberSmiih, 2021 -188 p.

The monograph substantiates the need to improve the traditional and introduce a new mechanism for the formation and development of human resources. For a complete understanding of scientific categories, the author’s interpretation of “human resources”, “human resources”, “personnel” is proposed. The essence of human resource management in the context of international integration is actualized, taking into account the author’s interpretation of the category “human resources”. A comprehensive assessment and analysis of human resources at the micro and macro levels has been carried out in the context of a new integration association – the EAEU based on statistical data, propit, international ratings and expert sociological research. A mechanism has been proposed to improve the process of human resource management in conditions of free movement of labor within the EAEU, the distinctive feature of which is the creation and operation of a Single Integrated Eurasian electronic Labor Exchange, solving the problem of illegal labor migration and the development of a single labor market. A mechanism has been developed for integrating education and business on the basis of public-private partnership, highlighting strategic objectives, directions, and expected results of interaction between an educational institution and employer enterprises in the formation and development of human resources. The monograph has developed a model of the employee motivation system, which differs in a multi-stage approach of applying management methods depending on the realized potential of the employee, which allows to significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of the company.

It is addressed to students, undergraduates, doctoral students, university professors, as well as heads of companies and government agencies.