Справочник по швейной терминологии

Talgatbekova A., Grigorieva O., Rustemova A., Zulkharnaeva K. Справочник по швейной терминологии: A textbook. Talgatbekova A., Grigorieva O., Rustemova A., Zulkharnayeva K. – Almaty: CyberSmilh. 2021. 192 p.

The tutorial introduces the terminology of clothing and basic concepts in the field of the design process of a modern fashionable suit. The names of the terms of the paws are in three languages: state, Russian and English. Sections with the basic terminology and definitions of materials and accessories, the range of clothing, design and manufacturing technology, as well as computer-aided design of clothing are highlighted.

The manual is intended for undergraduate students enrolled in the educational program “Technology and design of light industry products”, and can also be used in the quality of auxiliary educational material for related training programs for light industry specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan in higher educational institutions and mid-level vocational training organizations.