Особенности проявления психической патологии у детей дошкольного возраста

Tursungozhinova G. S., Abisheva Sh.Sh. Особенности проявления психической патологии у детей дошкольного возраста: an educational and methodological guide / G.S. Tursungozhinova, Sh.Sh. Abisheva.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 128 p.

The educational and methodological manual presents the material necessary to determine the presence of pathology in preschool children. To help specialists, teachers, and parents with children with special needs, possible clinical manifestations are presented in order to timely identify existing abnormalities and establish the necessary contacts with social and medical specialists.

The advantage of this manual is the definition of the psychological structure and differentiation of the detected changes in the child’s mental activity. The educational and methodological manual reflects correctional and educational work with children with disabilities, correctional assistance to children with emotional disorders.

The teaching aid can be useful for students, undergraduates, teaching staff interested in correctional and pedagogical activities in conditions of both special (correctional) and general education institutions in order to implement integrative models of education, readiness to interact with public organizations, families of children with special educational needs.