Геоэкологический мониторинг

Berdenov Zh.G., Zhamangara A.K., Mendybaev E.H., Zhanguzhina A.A. Геоэкологический мониторинг: A textbook / Berdenov Zh.G., Zhamangara A.K., Mendybaev E.H., Zhanguzhina A.A. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 312 p.

The textbook outlines the theoretical foundations and methods of environmental assessment and diagnosis. The classifications of monitoring, definitions and content of monitoring programs are considered. The methods and principles of monitoring organization are given. The manual discusses the monitoring of individual components of the natural environment with the involvement of instructional materials, methodological recommendations and GOST standards. The materials on monitoring various natural and man-made systems, including mining and oil and gas industries, are presented. The textbook summarizes the types of research and analytical support for the organization of monitoring.

The program of disciplines “Geoecological monitoring”, “OS Monitoring”, “Space OS monitoring” is presented, methodological guidelines for laboratory and practical classes are given, requirements for writing and registration of geoecological reports are listed.

For university students, by specialty: “Geography”, “Geoecology”, “Ecology”; for university teachers, students of the FPC and practitioners.