Электртехниканың теориялық негіздері.Сызықты электрлік тізбектер. I-part.

L.D. Krotov, S.A. Keshuov. Электртехниканың теориялық негіздері. Сызықты электрлік тізбектер. Textbook. I-part. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 324 p.

The content of the textbook corresponds to the standard curriculum of the course “Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering 1” in the specialty 5B081200 – Energy supply of agriculture.

The material presented in the textbook is aimed at self-study of the course. Special attention is paid to the physical nature of processes in electrical circuits.

The procedure for calculating electrical circuits by each of the existing methods is given. Pictures and many examples in the textbook help to master the course in depth.

At the end of each chapter, there are test questions confirming knowledge of this material.

The MathCad and Electronics Workbench instruction in the textbook allows each student to independently model and analyze DC and AC electrical circuits using personal computers.

This textbook will be useful for students of all specialties whose program includes the course “Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering”.

The authors express their gratitude to S.K.Kulmanov and B.S.Jonkeshov, who helped translate the textbook into Kazakh.