Тексты в социокультурном измерении

Takhan S.S., Baigozhina D.O. Тексты в социокультурном измерении: a monograph. The second edition, revised and supplemented / S.S. Takhan, D.O. Baigozhina.— Almaty: New book, 2021.- 252 p.

The monograph presents the authors’ research, united by a common scientific approach to the interpretation of literary, journalistic and scientific texts as discursive practices focused on human cognition in its complex relations with society and culture. The works of N.Leskov, T.Shevchenko, I.A.Bunin, Sh.Kudaiberdiyev, A.Bukeikhanov, A.Platonov, J.Aimauytov, A.Kekilbaev, M.Magauin are analyzed in the key of identifying anthropological meanings and socio-cultural connotations. The comparative aspect in the study of the work of these authors is actualized. The problems of mediatization in a digital society, which significantly affects the textual characteristics of the integrated subdiscourse of modern culture, are considered. In the context of describing the models of modern mass media discourse in Kazakhstan, the problems of PR in the field of national culture are touched upon. Attention is paid to literary translation as a form of communication in the field of intercultural contacts.