Environment and people

Suleimenova N.Sh., Makhamedova B.Zh., Philipova M.V. Environment and people: Textbook for tertiary education institutions // N.Sh. Suleimenova, B.Zh. Makhamedova,M.V. Philipova – Almaty: TechSmith, 2021.-224 c.

This textbook describes theoretical aspects of environmental problems, basic ecology concepts and laws, environment preserving programs and its impact on human health. Biosphere stability mechanisms, ecosystem life cycle, flora and fauna, environmental problems of urbanization, agriculture, preservation of the atmosphere, planet water and soil resources revealed. Modem ecological problems of the environment and rational ways of usage of natural resources in Kazakhstan are described. Decision-making principles and methods of environmental protection regulation are substantiated.

The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of Kazakhstan state standards 5.04.034 — 2011 and the current discipline work program and is intended for PhD students, undergraduates and University teachers, as well as a wide range of researchers involved in environmental protection and environmental management.