Basics of Electronics

Taranov A.V., Mehtivev A.D., Neshina Yu.G., Alkina A.D., Bulatbaeva Yu.F., Kalinin A.A. Balandin V.S. Basics of Electronics: Textbook/ A.V. Taranov, A.D. Mehtiev, Yu.G. Neshina, A.D. Alkina, Yu.F. Bulatbaeva, A.A. Kalinin, V.S. Balandin; Almaty: New Book, 2021. – 176 p.

The textbook consists of six chapters and covers all sections of modern electronics: physics of semiconductors and electrical transitions, physical processes and characteristics of devices of semiconductor diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, thyristors, photovoltaic, optoelectronic and electrovacuum devices, as well as such topical issues as the basic elements of analog and digital integrated circuits, principles and devices quantum electronics.

All chapters are accompanied by questions for in-depth study of the material.

The textbook is intended for students of the direction 6B062Gl “Instrument engineering” and can be useful in studying the main components of the basic cycle of the discipline “Fundamentals of Electronics”, as well as for engineering and technical personnel related to the design and operation of electronic equipment.