Санитария и гигиена пищевых производств

Temerbaeva M.V. Санитария и гигиена пищевых производств: a textbook / M.V. Temerbaeva- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 360 p.

The textbook highlights the issues of sanitation and hygiene of food production. Sections are devoted to the structure and functions of sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Republic of Kazakhstan, sanitary and hygienic examination of food products, as well as sanitary and hygienic requirements for technological processes of production, equipment, transportation, personal hygiene of employees of food production, prevention of food poisoning. The information presented in all chapters of the textbook is given in accordance with the current level of knowledge in these areas. The manual contains diagrams, figures, tables, and a dictionary of terms.

The manual is intended for university students in the specialties “Biotechnology”, “Technology of food products”, “Technology of production of livestock products”.