Безопасность пищевых продуктов

Temerbaeva M.V. Безопасность пищевых продуктов: Textbook. — M.V. Temerbayeva Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019.-312 p.

The textbook highlights food safety issues. The sections are devoted to the consideration of potentially dangerous food substances, including anti-alimentary nutrition factors (toxic components of food products), as well as features of the use and control of transgenic raw materials. Various types of foreign substances are described in detail: microbial toxins, mycotoxins, toxic elements, antibiotics, hormonal drugs, plant growth regulators, pesticides, fertilizers, radionuclides, food additives. The information presented in all chapters of the textbook is given in accordance with the current level of knowledge in these areas. The manual contains diagrams, figures, tables, and a dictionary of terms. The manual is intended for university students in the specialties “Biotechnology”, “Technology of food products”, “Technology of production of livestock products”.