Мектепке дейінгі педагогика тарихы

S.G. Batybayeva, F.N. Zhumabekova / Мектепке дейінгі педагогика тарихы: Textbook. – Almaty: AKNUR Publishing House. -2017.-312 p.

The textbook describes approaches to raising children to life in the first public education on the history of the formation of preschool pedagogical science, the preparation of preschoolers for life, the works of outstanding philosophers on the problems of preschool education and the comparative history of the formation and development of Kazakh-speaking and Russian-speaking kindergartens in Kazakhstan. The best practices in Kazakhstan, the CIS and abroad, pre-school education programs, various effective methods and techniques were demonstrated.
For additional independent work on this textbook, assignments and test questions were offered. The textbook on the history of preschool pedagogy is intended for students of the faculties of preschool education and upbringing of pedagogical institutes, students and teachers of pedagogical colleges, employees of preschool organizations.