Қойдың цитогенетикасы және тератологиясы

Zhapbasov R. Қойдың цитогенетикасы және тератологиясы. Monograph. Almaty: Bastau Publishing House LLP, 2006. – 288 p.

This book provides detailed information about the cytogenetics of sheep in the scientific literature and obtained as a result of the author’s own research. It was found that the levels of cells with hypodiploid, hyperdiploid, polyploid and chromosomal aberrations in different breeds of sheep change with age. The frequency of sheep malformations and their pathoanatomical characteristics are shown. The chromosomes of lambs with congenital anomalies are examined and the degree of cytogenetic instability in their cells is determined. The methods of using the results of cytogenetic and teratological screening in animal populations to obtain the genetic characteristics of sheep breeds grown in various natural and ecological zones of Kazakhstan, effectively sorting the obtained scientific and practical data in animal husbandry, increasing productivity and livestock growth are described. The book is addressed to specialists in the field of genetics, cytology, cytogenetics and teratology, students, undergraduates, postgraduates of the Faculties of Biology, ecology and animal husbandry of higher educational institutions.