Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың экологиялық тәрбие теориясы мен әдістемесі

Belgibaeva G. K. Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың экологиялық тәрбие теориясы мен әдістемесі. Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2019 – 204 p.

The textbook is intended to familiarize future educators with the environment of preschoolers, teaching theoretical and methodological problems of the discipline. Specialists who master this course will learn the content, the amount of familiarization of preschoolers with the environment, the forms and methods of its organization, work with children of different age groups. During the study of the theoretical part of the course, in addition to gaining general knowledge about the biosphere, understanding the adaptation and adaptation of plants and animals to their habitat, future teachers will also understand that living beings have needs depending on their specifics.