Духовный мир личности

B.B. Zhaksybayeva. Духовный мир личности: a textbook. 3rd edition. Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, – 2019. -150 p.

Study guide: “The spiritual world of personality” reveals the subject of the program section “Philosophical Anthropology” but in the discipline “Philosophy” The Manual is of actual importance in the development of philosophical problems of social philosophy, philosophy of anthropology, philosophy of culture, psychology and a number of other humanities.
The philosophical problems are extensive. However, the leading defining issue of meaning in life as the core of philosophical knowledge is the problem of the spiritual world of the individual.
This textbook focuses on the analysis of the essence, content and structure of the spiritual world of a person. It identifies the levels and forms of manifestation of spirituality, establishes the boundaries of personal existence as a space of spirituality. Through the historical and philosophical analysis of the problem, the evolution of the actualization of the phenomenon of Kazakh national spirituality at the personal level is traced.