Қазақ тілін оқыту әдістемесі

Zhumabayeva A. E., Vaisova G. I. Қазақ тілін оқыту әдістемесі: textbook – Karaganda, Medet Group LLP, 2019 – 234 p.

The manual is intended for students of the specialty Pedagogy and methods of primary education. It examines in detail the methodological foundations of teaching the Kazakh language in elementary grades, the content and volume of knowledge transferred, pedagogical approaches used in teaching the Kazakh language, scientific methodological issues on the study of the sound system, lexicology, word formation and grammar of the Kazakh language (materials of morphology and syntax). The paper highlights the latest discoveries in methodological science. In addition, methodological tasks are given that allow students to work independently, control questions and test tasks for monitoring knowledge.