Дұрыс тамақтану негіздері

A.Y. Beisenbayev, D.D. Zhandarbekova, G.A. Kozhabekova. Дұрыс тамақтану негіздері: a textbook.- Karaganda: Publishing house “AKNUR”. – 2016. – 208 p.

The main purpose of the discipline “Fundamentals of healthy nutrition” is to familiarize students with the theoretical foundations of healthy nutrition, as one of the basic sciences, it is necessary for the formation of qualified specialists in the field of nutrition and the development of the food industry.
The proposed study guide teaches students about healthy eating, as this area shapes people’s ability to work and live longer. This manual is intended for people who care about their health, the health of their children and relatives
The manual is intended for students of technological and medical educational institutions.