Түркі халықтары фольклорындағы аңыздық проза

Sagynadin G.S. Түркі халықтары фольклорындағы аңыздық проза (genres and character system). – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 188 p.

The monograph examines the system of genres and characters of legendary prose in the folklore of the Turkic peoples. Historical-typological, historical-genetic analysis in research activities was carried out by comparing the genres of non-fiction prose of the Turkic peoples. The ideological and thematic aspect, the plot structure of the works of tall tales, the origin and degree of development of the character of the hero in a number of mythological characters are differentiated in the aspect of Turkic cognition. There were also scenes of comparison with the folklore of other peoples of the world. At the same time, the definition of national identity in accordance with the legendary prose of each nation helped to determine the nature of its contribution to the folklore tradition.