Құрамында микроэлементтері бар минералды тыңайтқыштардың инновациялық технологиялары

K. G. Zhantasov, Sh.M. Moldabekov, K.D. Aybalaeva, D.M. Zhantasova, J.N. Gakhmanberdieva, J.T.Zhumadilova, B.A. Ismailov. Құрамында микроэлементтері бар минералды тыңайтқыштардың инновациялық технологиялары. Textbook. — Almaty, CyberSmith, 2019. -176 p.

The textbook is intended for students, undergraduates and doctors of sciences and scientific and pedagogical workers of the specialties 5b072000, 6M072000, 6D072000, “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” in higher educational institutions.

The textbook provides brief information on the beneficial effects of micronutrients and the physico-chemical properties of the main phosphorus raw materials and mixtures for agricultural enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses in the economic aspect of fertilizers.

In addition, the ways of increasing soil fertility and its physico-chemical processes are shown.