Оқыту процесінде оқушылардың экологиялық мәдениетін қалыптастырудың теориялық-әдістемелік негіздері

Islamova K.I. Оқыту процесінде оқушылардың экологиялық мәдениетін қалыптастырудың теориялық-әдістемелік негіздері. Monograph. – Aktobe, 2016 -176 p.

The proposed monograph examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of environmental culture of students in the learning process, the philosophical aspect of the formation of environmental culture of the individual, the peculiarities of studying the problem of the formation of environmental culture of students in psychological and pedagogical literature, the possibilities, the content of interdisciplinary connections in the formation of environmental culture of students. Also, from a practical point of view, the program of the propaedeutic elective course “formation of ecological culture of students on the basis of interdisciplinary connections in the learning process” has been prepared.

The monograph is addressed to students of higher educational institutions, undergraduates, teachers of colleges and secondary schools and a wide readership.