Инжиниринг меню

Ryabova V.F. Инжиниринг меню: a textbook / V.F. Ryabova, M.B. Rebezov, I.A. Dolmatova, T.N. Zaitseva, M.F. Khairullin, E.K. Okuskhanova / under the general editorship of V.F. Ryabova, ed. 2nd.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 284 p.

The textbook “Menu Engineering” introduces strategies applicable to all types of menus (traditional food menus, wine lists, etc.). It allows you to understand how to create menus to make the most profit, how to increase current revenues through a new menu design and get additional profit from future updates.

The proposed compact presentation of the theoretical foundations of the course gives teachers the freedom to interpret, supplement and deepen individual sections and topics in accordance with their own understanding of the problem.

The theoretical course of the manual focuses students on studying the provisions of menu engineering. Each section (topic) of the textbook is accompanied by a programmed (test survey), which can be conducted in the classroom or independently. The performance of the tests will allow you to monitor the degree of assimilation of the educational material and pay additional attention to the issues that caused difficulties. In order to gain practical knowledge and skills in the field of menu engineering, it is planned to perform practical work on the course (Workshop).

The proposed textbook is addressed to students, managers of catering enterprises and a wide range of readers interested in the development and optimization of the menu of catering enterprises. The textbook is necessary for the implementation of professional development and professional retraining programs.