1916 жыл-Хандық биліктің жаңғыруы

Ibragimov Zh.I. 1916 жыл-Хандық биліктің жаңғыруы: monograph / Zh.I. Ibragimov.—Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021- 160 p.

Based on archival materials and numerous published data and scientific research, the monograph examines the issues of the formation of the political system and the revival of traditional power at the beginning of the 20th century. The role, significance, and significance of traditional government as the foundation of the state are described. In the course of today’s spiritual revival, new conceptual approaches to issues of great importance in glorifying the genetic code of our people are presented. The monograph is written in accordance with new scientific concepts and the requirements of training a highly qualified legal profession and is presented to the reader interested in issues of state and law.