Жоғары молекулалық қосылыстар химиясы

Zhatkanbayev E.E., Zhatkanbayeva Zh.K. Жоғары молекулалық қосылыстар химиясы. Textbook. Zhatkanbayev E.E., Zhatkanbayeva Zh.K.- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021 -364 p.

The textbook is prepared according to the curriculum of the subject. The content consists of theoretical and practical information about the basic concepts of high-molecular compounds, their classification and nomenclature, the structure of macromolecules and physico-mechanical properties, theory and methods of studying polymer solutions, ways of synthesis and chemical transformation.

The textbook is intended for students and postgraduates of the specialty “Chemistry and chemical technology of organic compounds” of higher educational institutions for use in the process of studying disciplines in the field of chemistry of high-molecular compounds.