Оқытудың жалпы әдістемесі: оқыту қалыптары мен сабақ. The fourth book

Zhapbarov A., Rakhymbek D., Zhumabayeva A.E.Оқытудың жалпы әдістемесі: оқыту қалыптары мен сабақ. The fourth book/ A. Zhapbarov, D. Rakhymbek, A.E. Zhumabayeva. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 224 p.

This paper examines the content of the organization of the educational process, the history of research, types and structure of lessons, features of teaching lessons of the Kazakh language, mathematics, geography, physics.

The form and structural system of the lesson, their structural features, effective organization of educational activities and motivational activities, organization of creative forms and classes, classification of creative forms and lessons, structural features of forms of learning for creative purposes, Describes the features of the organization of lessons and learning in game forms, control and evaluation in the educational process, control forms and classes.

The book is intended for teachers, students and researchers.