Аналогтық электроника негіздері мен сенсорларды ARDUINO платформасында оқыту

Zharmakin B.K. Аналогтық электроника негіздері мен сенсорларды ARDUINO платформасында оқыту: A textbook. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. -248 p.

In this lesson, the elements of analog electronics and components of electronic devices are discussed in more detail in the first and second chapters. The third chapter of the manual is designed as a laboratory lesson on the basics of semiconductor electronics and working with these devices in a PROTEUS PLC. The fourth chapter discusses the most common sensors used in various hobby projects to work with the ARDUINO platform.

This guide is designed to help students and students master the basics of analog electronics. We recommend using the textbook for high school students and students, as well as university students in circles to study the basics of radio modeling and robotics.

The textbook is recommended for teaching students in the specialties “Radio Electronics”, “Information Systems”, “Electrical Engineering”, “Computer Engineering” and other technical areas.

In addition, this educational tool can be useful for teachers of technical specialties, high school and college students, students and self-learners who know the basics of electronics.