Аралас роботтандырылған платформалар

Zhauyt A., Alipbayev K.A. Аралас роботтандырылған платформалар: a textbook. – Almaty. CyberSmith, 2021. – 176 p.

The textbook presents methods for studying the synthesis and dynamics of mixed robotic platforms and the primary kinematic chain and methods for solving them. The first part shows the general scope of application of mixed robotic platforms. The second part analyzes the basics of how platforms work. The third part presents methods for synthesizing mechanisms of mixed robotic platforms using original kinematic sequences and their modifications. The fourth part is devoted to the kinematic analysis of mixed robotic platforms. The fifth part examines the dynamics of mixed robotic platforms and their elastic basis. The sixth part is devoted to the study of the stress-strain state of combined robotic platforms and presents engineering and design methods for studying each link of the oscillatory mechanism for stability, strength and rigidity.

The textbook is intended for specialists and engineers, as well as students, masters and doctoral students studying the basics of robotics and space technologies.