Қазақстан білім зерттеушілерінің әдеп кодексі

Қазақстан білім зерттеушілерінің әдеп кодексі. Birinshi basylym. Nur Sultan: Kazakhstan Society of researchers in the field of education, 2020. 68 p.

The Code of Ethics for Education Researchers was developed by the Kazakh Society of Education Researchers in cooperation with the School of Higher Education of Nazarbayev University. Research ethics is a key part of the research integrity system. In this regard, the Code, formulating the main characteristics of research ethics on the example of the field of education, creates prerequisites for the creation of this system in the republic. By adopting the Code, educational scientists and research organizations practice conducting each stage of their research in accordance with the legislation of Kazakhstan and international standards, and will contribute to the widespread dissemination of ethically (ethically) acceptable positions and principles in scientific research.