Шағын жинақталған мектептегі педагогикалық үдеріс теориясы мен технологиясы

Tolegen O.Sh. Шағын жинақталған мектептегі педагогикалық үдеріс теориясы мен технологиясы: A textbook. – Karaganda: Publishing house “AKNUR”, 2019. – 136 p.

The textbook is intended for students of pedagogical educational institutions and primary school teachers of small integrated schools.

The manual describes the features of the organization of the educational process in primary school and the problems of organizing independent activity of students in the classroom, independent work of the student, its types and the system of requirements for independent work. The teaching technologies that can be used in a small group school environment and effective ways of using them are shown. Also, as a methodological guide, teachers are provided with examples of lesson plans.

In the process of writing the textbook, the state mandatory standards of general secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general primary education), textbooks and teaching aids of primary classes, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists were used.