
Kozybaeva F.E., Beiseeva G.B., Onerbaeva Z.O. Топырақтану: textbook.Almaty: LP-Zhasulan JSC – 2019. – 288 p.

This textbook contains the history of the development of the subject of soil science, its main properties, a description of excavation of soil in field and laboratory conditions, as well as the basic principles and methods for evaluating its properties.

This textbook is written in accordance with the working curricula of educational institutions in the specialties “Biology”, “Soil Science and agrochemistry”, as well as the specialty “Biology” of higher educational institutions, universities in the fields of agronomy, soil science. ecology, ecology and agrochemistry, soil science and are intended for bachelors of agrochemistry, graduate students of soil science and agrochemistry, as well as for agricultural workers, ecologists and soil scientists. In addition, it is intended for teachers and students of pedagogical universities who train teachers teaching biological and environmental fields in schools and colleges.