Машинаның бөлшектері мен құрастыру негіздері

G.S. Bilashova. Машинаның бөлшектері мен құрастыру негіздері: A textbook (for students studying technical specialties).— Almaty. “LP-Zhasulan”, 2019. – 116c.

The textbook is designed to facilitate in-depth study of the subject by students studying the main problems of the subject “Machine parts and assembly basics”.

The textbook includes theoretical topics according to the standard curriculum of the subject, short lectures on these topics, control questions and test tasks on each topic in order to assimilate the material and self-test. This educational tool allows you to fully master theoretical materials, apply them in real practice and improve the ability to think independently and make decisions.

The proposed textbook is intended for students studying in a technical specialty in the credit technology system.