Трикотаждың құрылысы мен негізгі қасиеттері

Baizhanova S.B., Sagitova G.F., Baymukhanbetova D.M. Трикотаждың құрылысы мен негізгі қасиеттері: Textbook. Medet Group LLP. Karaganda, 2020. – 228 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the curriculum of the subject “Construction and basic properties of knitwear” and contains all the information necessary for students to complete practical classes. The textbook contains information about the main characteristics of the structure of knitwear, types and properties of braids of the main and derivative classes and is intended for practical training, for a deeper understanding of knitting production.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialty “Technology and design of textile materials”.