Биологиядан білім беру концепциясы және оқытудың инновациялық әдістемелері

Биологиядан білім беру концепциясы және оқытудың инновациялық әдістемелері: textbook, second edition / N. Tormanov, N.T.Abylaykhanova, S. T. Toleukhanov, B. I. Ursheeva, Zh. M. Basygaraev. Almaty: Daryn, 2023.-310 p.

The textbook “the concept of biology education and innovative teaching methods” is intended mainly for bachelors, masters studying in biology and biotechnology.

The concept is a preliminary implementation of the principle of constructing about some historical phenomenon. To conduct a scientific search for the structure and direction of social and cultural life, and then determine the importance of education and upbringing. It makes it possible to understand the present by making predictions for the future based on the past. Therefore, knowledge of our past warns against repeating missed mistakes, opens the way to the development of our achievements. The textbook comprehensively reveals the general problems of the biological concept, biological processes, concepts, the theories associated with them are presented as widely as possible, and the history of the development of problems is clearly illustrated.

The manual outlines modern innovative methods of educational work, Theoretical and practical methods of teaching biology in the preparation of future teachers. The textbook also provides new learning technologies: case stages, ways of integrated learning and development, modular education, problem-based learning, the presence of a high level of competence, potential and professional competence of a subject teacher.