Қазақстан орнитофаунасының анықтағышы

Eszhanov B. E., Musabekov K. S.
Қазақстан орнитофаунасының анықтағышы. Part II (the Vorobyin detachment) / B. E. Eszhanov, K. S. Musabekov. – Almaty: Daryn, 2023. – 388 P.

The proposed work is section 2 of the textbook “the determinant of the avifauna of Kazakhstan”. The first section provides a general description of the class of birds, their taxonomy and a table defining the orders, and a complete determinant and brief description of individual species, except for the Orders of passerines. Since birds belonging to the order sparrow-like account for more than 55% of the avifauna of Kazakhstan, we decided to consider them as a separate division.

Unlike other detectors, this detector describes signs that in the laboratory it is possible to determine the exact type of bird using stuffed birds in their natural habitat, which means that in both cases the Detector can work.

“Biology and related sciences” (“Biology”, “Biology-pedagogy”, “Biotechnology”, “Ecology”, “Biomedicine”, “Bioengineering”, “Genetics”, “Microbiology”, etc.) And all classical universities opening in accordance with the requirements of the new age for students in the specialties “biological resources “(“fisheries”,”hunting and animal husbandry”, “forestry”, etc.), employees of environmental institutions (“specially protected natural areas”: nature reserves, national parks, reserves, reserves, etc.), in the same way it is intended for readers interested in ornithology.