Сүт шикізатын өндіру және сапасын зерттеу

Zhamansarin T.M.
Сүт шикізатын өндіру және сапасын зерттеу: Textbook/ T.M. Zhamansarin, N.B. Sarsembayeva, E.S. Yerzhigitov, M.O. Ergumarova, D.J. Shalkharova, A.A. Maldybaeva, M.O. Askarova, D.T. Toktar.  Almaty: Almanac, 2021.-98 p.

The textbook presents ways of producing dairy raw materials, ways of studying the substances contained in it. The textbook is a necessary tool for students studying dairy technology.

Detailed information about the active ingredients contained in milk, such as bacteria, vitamins, proteins, etc. The latest research methods are shown, equipment, dishes, chemicals are presented.

The textbook is intended for higher and secondary educational institutions, employees of the livestock industry, specialists of dairy production enterprises.