Оқыту теориясы: Білім беру көкжиегі

Оқыту теориясы: Білім беру көкжиегі

Author: Shunk Dale H.
ISBN-10: 0134013484
ISBN-13: 978-0134013480
Language: English
Publishing house: Pearson
Year: 2015
Number of pages: 592

This work offers a new approach to the basic theoretical principles, concepts and results of scientific research of teaching and pays close attention to its application in modern schools. The introduction discusses teaching theories, research methods and problems, as well as the historical basis for the study of teaching. The following chapters discuss the impact of neuroscience on education, the problems of socio-cognitive learning, the theory of information processing, i.e. coding and data storage, constructivism and other theories.
Sections on technology have also been added to this publication, in particular, the topic revealing the importance of contextual effects has been supplemented with fresh research information. The final section contains tasks that students must complete independently during the learning process.
Translated into Kazakh from the seventh edition, this textbook is intended for students specializing in pedagogy, psychology, undergraduates and all researchers interested in this field.