Ұйымдық мінез-құлық негіздері

Ұйымдық мінез-құлық негіздері, 14-басылым

Authors: Robbins Stephen, Judge Timothy
ISBN-10: 0134523857
ISBN-13: 978-0134523859
Language: English, Russian
Publishing house: Pearson
Year: 2017
Number of pages: 400

The core of the organization is the employee. Given the diversity of the characters and behavior of employees and the fact that each person is individual, it is important to manage the relationship between his personal qualities and performance, his contribution to the development of the organization. Every manager, especially an HR manager, should be able to recognize how his employees can behave in a given situation, how they can generally affect the organization’s activities, contribute to its success or, conversely, have a negative impact. Proper team management, increasing employee motivation, identifying negative elements that negatively affect the workflow, working with them, identifying and stimulating the best behaviors is a difficult task that requires knowledge at the intersection of psychology, sociology and management. The 14th edition of the world-famous work by Stephen Robbins and Timothy Jajd covering this difficult topic has been translated into Kazakh.
The book is intended for students studying management, teachers and the general public who are interested in this field. It is also recommended as one of the main textbooks of the MBA course.