Халықаралық құқық

Халықаралық құқық. 1-кітап

Author: Sho Malcolm N.
ISBN-10: 1316638537
ISBN-13: 978-1316638538
Language: English
Publishing house: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2017
Number of pages: 1118

The two-volume “International Law” by Malcolm Shaw, an authoritative lawyer and well-known scientist, is one of the best books devoted to this industry. The textbook examines various aspects of international law, compares the legal systems and practices of different countries. This book is one of the most valuable textbooks on international law. The first book, consisting of 10 chapters, defines concepts in the field of international law, compares the norms of various legal systems, discusses their features and basic principles. Philosophical and social views on the emergence and development of international law, the course of activity of international trials and tribunals are presented on specific examples. It contains detailed and comprehensive information about the types of international agreements, terms and obligations of the agreement. Provides extensive information on the topics of human rights protection at the international level, criminal liability of an individual, the territory of the State and the law of the sea. The second book, consisting of 12 chapters, contains extensive information on jurisdiction in international law, State responsibility, peaceful settlement of disputes, and the rights and obligations of treaties. The author highlights the activities of the International Court of Justice, the United Nations, the Security Council and other international organizations, providing information based on specific examples.
This textbook, translated into Kazakh from the eighth edition, is intended for students of the Faculty of Law, specialists and teachers of international law, as well as readers interested in this science.