Homo Deus: Болашақтың қысқаша тарихы

Harari Duval Noah. Homo Deus: Болашақтың қысқаша тарихы.Of the “National Translation Agency”. 2019-436 p .

This work is a continuation of Yuval Noah Harari’s first book entitled Sapens: A Brief History of Mankind, which has been admired by all readers around the world.
What will we do if Google and Facebook learn more about our tastes in the near future than we do, and computers displace billions of people from the labor market? How can we save the Earth from the destructive power of technology-wielding humanity? How does religion perceive genetic engineering? Has our desire not to die forever, to rejoice and be God been realized in the XXI century? This work, which attempts to answer these pressing questions, discusses and comprehensively examines the dilemmas of today. The author makes predictions for the future, stemming from the humanistic ideas that have dominated for 300 years.