Оксфорд  әлеуметтік ғылымдар сөздігі

K. Calhoun. Оксфорд  әлеуметтік ғылымдар сөздігі OF the “National Translation Agency”. 2019-480 p .

The Oxford Dictionary of Social Sciences has grouped more than 1,500 terms from the fields of anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, psychology, political science, philology, philosophy and economics. The book provides a brief but convincing definition of the main theories, concepts, scientific methods and other phenomena in the social sciences. In addition, the basic concepts and patterns, trends and discoveries in the fields of science are differentiated from different points of view.
In addition to terminology, the dictionary extensively covers the biographies and discoveries in science of about 300 scientists, starting with Fran Boas, John Maynard Keynes, Max Weber, who brought a breakthrough to the social sciences. The dictionary is intended for humanities majors and students, the general public interested in social sciences.