Формирование базовых ценностей личности: азиатская модель образования

R.K. Turyszhanova. Формирование базовых ценностей личности: азиатская модель образования: monograph (2nd edition). – Almaty: Medet Group LLP, – 2019. – 220 p.

The education system is designed to form the basic values of the individual, to set the right guidelines in the spiritual and moral development of the individual! The effectiveness of this process can be influenced by the study and use of world pedagogical experience. The monograph highlights ways to solve the problem of the formation of spiritual and moral values in the education system of Asian countries. The author introduces the origins and genesis of this problem, shows the continuity of ideas of outstanding thinkers and enlightenment figures in Kazakhstan, Japan and South Korea.
The Asian model of education, represented by Kazakhstan, Japan and South Korea, is unique, it differs in the traditional orientation of social development. It is traditionalism that provides similar features and value-oriented priorities in the educational practice of the selected countries. The education system in Japan and South Korea attracts our attention by striving to preserve the traditional basic values of society, while national culture and mentality are successfully combined with the most advanced educational technologies. This way of developing the education system, according to the author, is acceptable and promising for the Kazakh educational system. The monograph is aimed at solving the problems of humanization of education.