Тағам өнімдерінің сараптау әдістемелері

Duysenbekova O.O. Тағам өнімдерінің сараптау әдістемелері.Textbook- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 240 p.

Textbook for universities. The textbook “methods of food examination” can be used as a reference and methodological component by employees of the agricultural and industrial complex and the State Standard of Science and Practice.
The priority of sectoral problems for scientific research and education is substantiated. The basic concepts and definitions of branches of methods of quality control and management of industrial goods and services are described in detail, a comprehensive solution to the problem of product quality control and management at all stages of the technological process and on the way to the organization of technical control and legal support for product quality management with minimal costs to the consumer, at the level of world and state standards.