Биогеохимия және биосфераның тұрақтылығы

Bakhov Zh.K., Utebaev A.A. Биогеохимия және биосфераның тұрақтылығы: A textbook for students of the specialty “Ecology”. – Almaty CyberSmith, 2019. -128 p.

The textbook discusses the basic concepts of biogeochemistry, provides important information about the problems of the development of this field of science, the peculiarities of the separation of chemical elements during periods, their migration, and the geochemical classification of chemical elements.

Important information is presented on one of the most important properties of the biosphere – stability, as well as on the role of living organisms in the migration of substances, biogeochemical processes, and features of the formation of biogeochemical cycles.

The textbook is offered as an important additional educational tool for students studying in the specialty “Ecology” and specialists related to the field of ecology.