Көркем шығармадағы тарихи тұлға бейнесі

Madibayeva K.K., Mulik D. Көркем шығармадағы тарихи тұлға бейнесі: an educational and methodological guide / K.K. Madibayeva, D. Mulik- Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019 -284 p.

The educational and methodical manual is aimed at the methodology of teaching the artistic image in the Kazakh historical novel in High school. Mukhtar Auezov’s “The Way of Abai” was written based on the personality of Kunanbai in the epic of the novel. The archive of Kunanbai Uskenbaevich has worked out the data of biography preserved in the archives, memories of personality, descendants, ways of carrying out work on consolidating knowledge and special tasks on the scale of an artistic solution of an epic novel: the methodological manual is devoted to the specialties 5B011700 – “Kazakh language and literature”, 5b012100 – “Kazakh language and literature in a school without the Kazakh language”.