Тағамдық және биотехнологиялық өндірістерінің санитария мен гигиенасы

Temerbayeva M.V., Sultumbayeva A.K. Тағамдық және биотехнологиялық өндірістерінің санитария мен гигиенасы: textbook/ M.V. Temerbayeva, A.K. Sultumbayeva. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 336 p.

The textbook outlines the issues of sanitation and hygiene of food and biotechnological industries. The information presented in all chapters of the textbook is presented in accordance with the current level of knowledge in these areas. The manual includes drawings, figures, tables, and a dictionary of terms.

The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions in the specialties “Biotechnology”, “Food technology”, “technology of livestock production”.