Белгібай Шалабаевтың ғылыми- сын әдеби аударма енбектері

Kazhybai A.T. Белгібай Шалабаевтың ғылыми- сын әдеби аударма енбектері: monograph / Kazhybai A.T. Kagandy. AKNUR Publishing House, 2018-408 p.

This scientific work by researcher Ayan Tulegenovich is devoted to the study and evaluation of scientific criticism, the literary heritage of the scientist, Doctor of Philology, professor, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR Belgibai Aisinovich Shalabaev from the height of modern demands for independence. The works of scientists who studied literary criticism, folklore, the history of the origin and formation of Kazakh prose (including plots and characters in the genre of the Kazakh novel, problems of typology and poetics, traditions and innovations), Abai studies, Sultanmakhmut studies, literary translation, are inextricably linked with the history of Kazakh literature, the history of Kazakh literary criticism, folklore studies, comparative literary studies. Contribution to the national literature of B. Shalabayev, a qualified critic, a talented writer who made a significant contribution to the Kazakh literary science, was imbued with common sense and common sense.

The proposed monograph also includes a scientific and life bio-bibliographic index of a literary scholar. Taking into account the life and scientific and creative work of B. Shalabaev, his contributions are ranked, chronological indicators of research and memoirs, a list of literature about his life and works are included. The materials in the index are systematized in chronological order according to each year. The biographical bibliography mainly consists of two sections, both in Kazakh and Russian.

The monograph can be used when teaching special courses at the faculties of philology and journalism at universities. The book is also addressed to beginners of our literature, researchers, librarians and a wide readership.