Химиядан жұмбақ есептер

Tantybayeva B.S. Химиядан жұмбақ есептер: Textbook / B.S. Tantybayeva, Zh.A. Ibatayev; Karaganda State Technical University. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. -96 p.

The proposed textbook contains more than a hundred complicated chemistry problems that are not often found in traditional textbooks on resolution. The mysterious tasks are aimed at identifying one of the most practically significant issues in chemical science – an unknown substance, a description of its properties, and forecasting. Although the tasks are typical at first glance, they cover various sections of chemistry and require comprehensive knowledge, therefore, in the process of solving them, the general knowledge of students, students, especially chemical, develops well.

The manual is intended for students of chemical, technological, environmental specialties of higher educational institutions, high school students, as well as the general public studying other fields of chemistry.