Экология и здоровье населения

Kenesariev U.I. Экология и здоровье населения: textbook for medical universities and colleges / U.I. Kenesariev, N.J. Zhakashov. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 240 p.

The textbook outlines the scientific foundations of environmental protection, the main issues of general ecology, human ecology, environmental aspects of the habitat and public health. The main attention is paid to the protection of atmospheric air, water, soil, vegetation, wildlife, and food products from pollution. Such important issues as integral methods of environmental assessment, the degree of danger of its pollution, and the load of chemical factors on the human body are considered. The manual covers in detail the ecological features of the regions of Kazakhstan, the peculiarities of the biogeochemical provinces of the republic and the medical and environmental aspects of public health.

The textbook is intended for teachers, students of medical universities and colleges, as well as anyone interested in environmental issues.