Тағам гигиенасы пәнінен стандарттар жинағы

Kenzhegulova B. Z. Тағам гигиенасы пәнінен стандарттар жинағы: Kenzhegulova B. Z., Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 100 p.

The collection of professional standards in the educational and methodological manual on the discipline “food hygiene” in the specialty 0303000 – “Hygiene and epidemiology”, 0303013 – “Hygienist – epidemiologist” was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard UP to 2010 and the standard curriculum for the discipline. The collection of professional standards clearly defines the purpose, resources, and algorithm of actions for acquiring skills.
The future specialist “hygienist – epidemiologist”, who has acquired mandatory skills, teaches to carry out sanitary and epidemiological inspections in institutions of the food industry, trade and public catering, to carry out hygienic examination of food, instrumental and laboratory methods of control of food producing facilities, to carry out hygienic educational work.
This set of standards can be used by both medical college students and trainees who come for advanced training.